About Us
Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Clinical Sciences
Head - Dr. O.A. Olawale, B.Sc, M.Ed, PhD (Lagos)
The Department of Physiotherapy, College of Medicine of the University of Lagos was established in July 1, 1980. Prior to that date (precisely from September, 1970) the Department functioned as a sub-unit in the Department of Paediatrics of the College of Medicine, awarding then Diploma Certificates in Physiotherapy. At the end of the course of studies with effect from July 1, 1980 a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physiotherapy is awarded.
Physiotherapy is physical treatment, management and rehabilitation of disease conditions, deformities (either congenital or acquired and truamatic injuries ) by physical means such as physical exercise, as in exercise therapy; massage; manipulations, both of the soft tissue and the musculoskeletal system of human body, and the use of physical agents such as water at varying temperatures (i.e as applicable in Hydrotherapy) hot liquid paraffin wax at therapeutic temperatures; light of radiations; heat as obtainable from moist, dry or radient media; non ateradial anti-inflammatory drugs; electricity including the therapeutic uses low, medium and high frequency electrical currents, ice and cold media as in cyotherapy, supportive gadgets; mechanical and electromechanical appliances; and mechanical vibrations including the therapeutic use of ultrasonic energy.
In order to enhance a comprehensive health care delivery, the essential components of physiotherapy which are very prominent today include:
1. Diagnostic Physiotherapy.
2. Preventive Physiotherapy.
3. Therapeutic Physiotherapy.
4. Curative Physiotherapy.
5. Rehabilitative Physiotherapy.
1 Prof. I. O. Owoeye Professor Male
2 Dr. S. R. A. Akinbo Associate Professor Male
3 Mr. C. B. Aiyejusunle Senior Lecturer Male
4 Dr. O. A. Olawale Senior Lecturer Male
5 Dr. D. O. Odebiyi Lecturer I Male
6 Dr.(Mrs.) A. Tella Lecturer I Female
7 Mr.U. A. C. Okafor Lecturer II Male
8 Mrs. O. A. Osho Lecturer II Female
9 Mrs. H. A. Aweto Lecturer II Female
10 Mrs. A. K. Akodu Lecturer II Female
11 Mr. C. A. Gbiri Lecturer II Male
12 Mr. O. B. Owoeye Lecturer II Male
Head - Dr. O.A. Olawale, B.Sc, M.Ed, PhD (Lagos)
The Department of Physiotherapy, College of Medicine of the University of Lagos was established in July 1, 1980. Prior to that date (precisely from September, 1970) the Department functioned as a sub-unit in the Department of Paediatrics of the College of Medicine, awarding then Diploma Certificates in Physiotherapy. At the end of the course of studies with effect from July 1, 1980 a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physiotherapy is awarded.
Physiotherapy is physical treatment, management and rehabilitation of disease conditions, deformities (either congenital or acquired and truamatic injuries ) by physical means such as physical exercise, as in exercise therapy; massage; manipulations, both of the soft tissue and the musculoskeletal system of human body, and the use of physical agents such as water at varying temperatures (i.e as applicable in Hydrotherapy) hot liquid paraffin wax at therapeutic temperatures; light of radiations; heat as obtainable from moist, dry or radient media; non ateradial anti-inflammatory drugs; electricity including the therapeutic uses low, medium and high frequency electrical currents, ice and cold media as in cyotherapy, supportive gadgets; mechanical and electromechanical appliances; and mechanical vibrations including the therapeutic use of ultrasonic energy.
In order to enhance a comprehensive health care delivery, the essential components of physiotherapy which are very prominent today include:
1. Diagnostic Physiotherapy.
2. Preventive Physiotherapy.
3. Therapeutic Physiotherapy.
4. Curative Physiotherapy.
5. Rehabilitative Physiotherapy.
1 Prof. I. O. Owoeye Professor Male
2 Dr. S. R. A. Akinbo Associate Professor Male
3 Mr. C. B. Aiyejusunle Senior Lecturer Male
4 Dr. O. A. Olawale Senior Lecturer Male
5 Dr. D. O. Odebiyi Lecturer I Male
6 Dr.(Mrs.) A. Tella Lecturer I Female
7 Mr.U. A. C. Okafor Lecturer II Male
8 Mrs. O. A. Osho Lecturer II Female
9 Mrs. H. A. Aweto Lecturer II Female
10 Mrs. A. K. Akodu Lecturer II Female
11 Mr. C. A. Gbiri Lecturer II Male
12 Mr. O. B. Owoeye Lecturer II Male